Flights to Kamchatka
The sale of air tickets to Kamchatka opens about a year in advance. The first tickets are not always the cheapest. As a rule, promotional offers for summer appear in October or February, but there is no full confidence that they will be. Airlines always throw out budget options unexpectedly and not every year.
On the other hand, the closer the season gets, the more expensive air tickets become, or even run out, and only business class is left. To search for tickets, we recommend using trusted services – aviasales, skyscanner or directly from the carriers Aeroflot, Russia and S7 Airlines.
To give you an idea of approximate price ranges, here are some statistics.
Prices for air tickets from Moscow (based on past experience):
- In the neighborhood of 25,000 rubles (round trip) – urgently take, cheaper is unlikely to be. This is the promotion.
- In the neighborhood of 35,000-40,000 rubles (round trip) – the standard price of buying about six months in advance.
- From 50,000 and up – priced closer to the season, mid to late spring and summer.

Airport of arrival in Kamchatka
The actual airport of arrival – is located in the city of Yelizovo, 20 km from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. But when buying tickets it is better to specify the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky or the abbreviated name of the airport PKC.
What date to get a ticket for.
When buying in service, it's best to target the day of arrival right away.
Taking into account the time of direct flight from Moscow in 9 hours and the time difference relative to this city is +9 hours, then departing, for example, July 7 – you arrive on July 8.
The return is easier – if the flight is direct, you arrive in Moscow practically at the same time as you leave Petropavlovsk. Such are the wonders of jet lag.
It may happen that the luggage gets lost in transit and may arrive a day or more later. In case a group multi-day trip is scheduled for the next day – you will not be able to get your luggage as the group leaves very early.
In case of such an unpleasant situation we will try to provide you with a minimum of necessary things, and the luggage will be waiting for your return in the luggage room.
The most rational variant of insurance – take in the cabin of the airplane the most necessary things and make the flight itself not in the city, but immediately in tourist clothes and especially boots, as in case of loss to pick it up is the most difficult.
Meeting at the airport
After descending the ramp, the bus takes passengers to the baggage claim terminal – it is a covered, not very large room, more like a greenhouse. In peak season, it is easy to spend an hour or more here.
After receiving your luggage, you go outside the iron gate and meet our guide with a sign «Kamchatkaland». If you are lost and cannot find your way around, please call the following number +7 (914) 785-70-37
Write us
To book a tour or get advice about traveling to Kamchatka, write us through this form. A manager Anastasia will reply to your request shortly.