Kamchatka in April
Kamchatka in April is a wonderful time of the year, including for winter activities. It is already warm enough during the day and you can meet people in T-shirts or swimming costumes on the ski slopes.
If you have a vacation in the spring, and you do not know where to go, and where you can get a lot of positive emotions, then surely we can recommend to you - go on tour to Kamchatka in April. There you will find out the amazing adventures, interesting excursions, live and untouched nature, as well as the amazing views to take pictures.

What is the spring in Kamchatka?
What does it mean the spring to the Kamchatka Peninsula? In spring locals and tourists can enjoy life, joy, fresh herbs and sunshine.
At this time, in April, long-awaited spring starts to really show itself. Outside becomes warm, the sun is shining, but the snow has not gone yet, it means that you can enjoy winter activities (sledge, ski, snowboard, and more), go on an exciting journey.
During the day, temperature is increasingly rising, but at night it is still low and insidious. In some places especially near the hot springs and geysers of the valley, there is first grass, which attracts animals from miles around. It is no coincidence, spring in Kamchatka is called "bear paradise", as it is now all clumsy bears go out from their lairs, whose mind only two things: food and how to find a "decent pair."
Tourists are always attracted by the abundance of rare herbs, flowers, fauna and lots of adventures offered by peninsula. In addition, it should be noted that the cost of tours to Kamchatka in the spring is significantly lower than in summer. It means that you can for less money get a huge amount of experience and become a much happier. At this time of the year you will be able to bring home a lot of interesting pictures, like nature, and with sleepy animals. But most importantly - it's memories and unforgettable experience.

Adventures in Kamchatka in April: no worse than Indiana Jones
Now, let's look at a list of what you can see and admire in tours to Kamchatka in April on this side of the world.
During the entire existence of tourism in Kamchatka as yet no one tourist don’t refuse to swim in the hot springs, which there are simply thousand. Each one is unique and beautiful in its own way. In addition, the mineral composition of these reservoirs is incredibly useful for the skin and health in general.
During hiking tours (Skiing or walking), you will have the opportunity to spend the night in the open field or nearby some sights (lake, river, waterfall, volcano, etc.). Believe me, you will get just stunning emotions! In addition, you can watch the sunset and sunrise, which in Kamchatka are special.
An excellent choice - to go to a multi-day trek, during which you will cross the deer pass. There you can watch Santa's favorites - reindeer grazing peacefully.

Multi-day ski trek in April - a wonderful opportunity to test yourself for endurance and courage. During the tour, you'll see a lot of beautiful protected areas. Outdoor kitchen, sleeping in tents, clean air, lots of animals - is not it wonderful? You can also visit the foot of the volcano, and can appreciate the power and majesty of Mother Nature.
Bear’s Lake - a place where you get acquainted with the habits and behavior clumsy bears: fishing, mating games, a feast, and so on. Here they are, the amazing bears the symbol of Kamchatka.
Besides spring fun, you can enjoy winter fun and that will leave a lasting impression in your soul: dog sledding, snowmobile tours, descent from the mountain on skis or snowboard.
You can visit the settlement of locals and get to know the inhabitants of kennel - Laikas. They always welcome new guests and they are ready to ride you on a sled.
April - is an excellent time for the excursion to the Valley of Geysers, where you will find out hundreds of small and large fountains. You will be able to observe their reactions and life. It is worth mentioning that this place is protected by UNESCO.
How about a helicopter tour to the island Utashud, during which you will be able to contemplate about 10 active volcanoes. There you will meet with otters, larga, seals, seabirds, eagles.

Travel to Kamchatka in April - the dream of every tourist
If you are tired of the standard offers tour operators, then Kamchatka is ready to welcome you with wide open arms. There are waiting for you and help you get the maximum enjoyment everybody: the staff, the guides, as well as funny and drunk with the coming of spring animals who want to come and say hello to the guests.
Wildlife on the peninsula is not intimidated and is comfortable with travelers, giving them the opportunity to make beautiful pictures. They are even willing to pose for you. Choose Kamchatka tours in April and make sure yourself how beautiful she is and really loving.
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