Tours to Kamchatka in May
May in Kamchatka is the beginning of spring. The snow begins to melt, and the roads can take you further and further away from the bustle of the city. At this time of year it is not uncommon to see snowboarders on the slopes wearing only T-shirts.
Spring - the best time for vacations. Nature beckons with its beauty and amazing phenomenon. If you decide to go on vacation during this season, then the perfect solution would be a visit to this wonderful museum of Russian nature, as Kamchatka.
On this peninsula spring will welcome you in all its glory. During this period, everything here is very special and even looks - it smells so tours to Kamchatka in May can be a wonderful adventure.

Kamchatka in May - amazing features
The month of May has the features that should be noted. After the winter cold season, without exception, all tours are longer, more interesting, more fun, and include a visit to a lot of sights.
Daylight increases, the average temperature rises to 2,5-5S. Of course, do not forget about the fact that in some parts of the peninsula (northern, southern or central) is dominated by a unique climate.
Generally, for the Peninsula May - this is the real beginning of spring. Under the influence of the monsoon climate here all seasons are shifted, even though the fact that Kamchatka is on the same latitude as Moscow. Until this month, there are constant snowfall, roads are covered with snow, rivers and lakes are frozen, and on the tops of volcanoes and mountains there are huge snow caps.

Month of May - a revival of life on the land Kamchatka, so the journey will surely be successful. Local tribes (Itelmen and Koryak) celebrate it in their own way and hope for the favor of Mother Nature. They ask the gods to give enough heat and help in all endeavors.
The revival of life
What is May to flora and fauna? The land is covered with an abundance of unique and unknown to guests herbs, berries and flowers, and from their winter haulout sites crawl animals in search of food and a couple.
Most of the attention of the tourists are attracted by brown bears, which are the full owners of the peninsula. It is also important to note that with the arrival of spring, prices for tours to Kamchatka in May are a little more expensive, take it into account in planning. The cost of air travel is also increasing, which is not very nice, but is it an obstacle for those who want to touch the virgin nature?

A variety of tours in May
To begin with that, the number of nature reserves for visiting, and a list of tours is growing right before our eyes. Here, the best of them:
All the tourists, without exception, be sure to bathe in the hot springs of Kamchatka and keys. This is useful, pleasant and clearly remembered for a lifetime.
Valley of Geysers - the place to come to see that almost all of the guests of the peninsula. There you will be able to cook the potatoes and eggs, and enjoy this amazing phenomenon in all its glory.
Hiking multi-day hiking trip with an overnight stay in tents, field kitchens, visiting volcanoes and mountain climbing.
Fishermen from all over Europe come to Kamchatka and the adventures of this "hunt" for the local fish. On the territory of Kamchatka is a sufficient number of lakes and rivers, where such events are held. Here you will find the best and most successful fishing in life.
Spring tour on a yacht on the Pacific Ocean. Visit the rookery. black beach, and observation of marine life: it is a seal, sea otter, sea lion, and others.
Rock climbing. On the Kamchatka Peninsula is a sufficient number of places and routes for this sport.
Bear glades. Brown bear - is the star of Kamchatka. Absolutely all the tourists coming to the Peninsula, they want to take a picture of it and get a unique photo for memory.
May Kamchatka in all its glory
In May, the Kamchatka offers all its wondrous beauty and attractions. If you like walking on fresh air and nature, then come to the peninsula. It is important to remember that depending on which attractions you want to see and what you are interested in entertainment, will depend on the route and as a result the cost of the tour to Kamchatka in May.
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