Tours to Kamchatka in September.

Tours to Kamchatka in September

Kamchatka in September is a golden time to explore the peninsula. The earth lights up all its colours for the last time at full brightness, before preparing for winter. Tours in this period sound and inspire in a special way.

Do you want to spend the most memorable vacation and to see the great and inexplicable attractions that excite the mind, then tours to Kamchatka in September - this is what you need.

This peninsula has always hid a natural magic and gave the impression to its guests. Moreover, it is important to note that any type of tourist (extreme, hiking traveler, diver, skier, hunter, fisherman, etc.) will be able to organize leisure time, according to personal preferences at 100%.

Tours to Kamchatka in September.

The gift of the Queen of Nature

Kamchatka Peninsula - the same place that contains all the gifts of nature: deep snow, wild rivers, deep ocean, plains, mountains, rocks. Here, life never stops for a second.

The flow of tourists is endless, not even looking at a very harsh environment. Among other things, Kamchatka is famous for the fact that the seasons are shifted and are especially unpredictable. For example, in summer and autumn you can easily go skiing and snowboarding down the slopes of steep mountains.

That's great - to get to this corner of the earth where there is no predictability, where each new minute surprises.

Tours to Kamchatka in September are very diverse, so you will be able to enjoy an active lifestyle for sure, and to see a lot of the beautiful sights along the way. It remains only to find out important details!

Colourful September in Kamchatka

Weather in Kamchatka in September

Autumn in Kamchatka - a beneficial and exciting time to take a trip to the peninsula. September will give you all the splendor and beauty of this area. This month, as in all the other months of the season, the tourists with any physical condition may not harm the body, take a tour of the Kamchatka Peninsula.

So, let's consider the basic weather conditions on the peninsula in September.

Mostly still warm, but not stifling. The reason for this is the fact that the seasons of the year in this region are displaced, so here in September - is considered the last month of summer. How about a journey from the autumn into the summer? Why not!

The good news is that in nature, particularly noticeable in a forest and near water, absolutely no mosquitoes and other annoying insects.

Travelling to Kamchatka in September.

The average temperature is 6-12 C. It is worth remembering that the northern regions you select, the colder it is.

In contrast to the summer months, in September, there are no permanent fog, rain, slush, which is very easy multi-day trips and helicopter flights.

Tours to Kamchatka in September - is the best thing you can give your body and soul. Yes exactly. Active outdoor recreation fills you with positive energy and gives cheerfulness and joy for the whole year.

The best September tours to Kamchatka

To see what awaits you on the peninsula this month, it is worth considering a list of the best tours (holiday options) across the expanses of Kamchatka.

Skiing and snowboarding from the mountain slopes, the so-called freeride. Moreover, you will be able to choose the level of complexity of the descent. There are a lot of them.

Fishing - a journey into the world of fish, where its own rules and will have to try to catch a good catch. The fact is that during this period the majority of the representatives sea and river fish fauna come for spawning. Here from around the world come fishermen professionals and amateurs. You know that here you will not get bored looking at the float, waiting for at least some bites.

Tours in autumn

Rafting along the river Bystraya (Fast) by canoe or inflatable raft. Such an adventure you will remember forever. Breakfast and dinner on the waterfront, meeting sunrise and sunset, fishing, sleeping in a tent - this is what dreams any naturalist..

Mountain climbing is also very developed. In Kamchatka, there are many steep and dangerous slopes, where you always can meet climbers.

Multi-day hiking tours deep into the Kamchatka allow you to get to know the world and nature. Visiting these beautiful and outstanding attractions such as volcanoes, hills, valley of geysers, Death Valley, Kronotsky lake, the cave will never cease to be relevant.

You can do some shopping at the fish market or the many souvenir shops.

You can visit the national Itelmen holiday "Alhalalalay." During its celebration local residents thanks the nature of its gifts and love. It’s worth to go there. You will have: Music, dancing, sumptuous dishes and drinks.

Alkhalalalai on tours to Kamchatka.

The list is endless, it can go on forever. It is easier to first decide that you want to see and what to get on this holiday. all your wish will be granted. Tours to Kamchatka in September are famous for their diversity and hospitality towards the travelers.

Autumn resume

September on the peninsula - a great time. In this month you are expected not only adventures, but also the most beautiful natural pictures, bright colors filled. Autumn Kamchatka even smells like something special. In the air hovers cool mix of aromas coming from plants and flowers.

If you love photography and want to get unique photographs, then in September you is perfect. At this time most of the animals are very active, they are gaining fat for the winter. Get to know them, and certainly not regret it.

Tours to Kamchatka in September.