Russkaya Bay
Russkaya Bay can be recognised as a separate ecosystem, where various species of marine creatures meet and peacefully coexist. These include whales, killer whales, sea birds, sea lions, as well as killer whales meeting tourists on the shore.
Russkaya Bay on the map
Located in the south-west of Avacha Bay, Russkaya Bay is a must-see in Kamchatka for tourists from all over the world. Until 1952, it went by the name of its Itelmen origin on the maps — Akhomten.
Russkaya Bay lies 40 miles south of the exit from Avacha Bay. The entry coordinates are 52° 26’ north latitude and 158° 30’ east longitude. To the right of the entrance, there is Tikhirka Bay with the same-name river flowing into it.
History of the Bay
Sergeant of geodetic surveying Aleksei Gilev was the first who conducted a survey of the bay in 1790. Back then, Gilev described the areas of Avacha Bay, and the number of his works included its first measurements. Later, in 1830, Captain Peter Ilyin continued the research. Based on his notes, he sketched a separate map for Akhomten Bay, which later used, when drawing the new map of Kamchatka that was published in 1851.

In the 20s of the 20th century, the Swedish botanist Eric Hulten, a member of the Swedish-Kamchatka expedition, investigated Akhomten. He carried out geodetic surveys, which later formed the basis of the map of the southern half of Kamchatka.
Until the 1930s, Akhomten served as a temporary shelter for ships in adverse weather. During the Great Patriotic War, Russkaya Bay was one of the main points where caravans of cargo ships en route to Vladivostok from Canada and the United States with a special strategic purpose formed.
In the post-war period, in the 70s, the bay was actively used for refueling vessels with fresh water, weapons, for fishing, changing crews. At the time, there was an active fishery development.

Sights and wealth of the Bay
It is one of the most beautiful bays on the east coast of Kamchatka. It’s narrow deep and long, with steep shores overgrown with elfin woods. Its width is 1,300 m in the middle part, and its length is almost 10,000 m (from Cape Vhodnoy to the mouth of the Russkaya River). The depth is 26 m. Low coast, located deep in the bay, is rich in shrubs and herbage plants, flowers, wild leek, rowan, dog rose and cranberries. Quiet and cozy, Russkaya Bay is famous for its warm welcome even when the ocean rages and the burning northern winds blow.

Russkaya Bay is famous for its deep-sea fishing. Here you can make a real fish feast. You can catch flounder, halibut, perch, cod, navaga, and others. From the bottom, you can get sea urchins and crabs.
Numerous colonies of birds (puffins, ducks, cormorants, gulls, auklets) inhabit the steep shores of the bay, and hundreds of sea lions, arranging an annual rookery on Cape Kekurny, guard the entrance to the bay. Herds of killer whales and whales, observed annually in these waters, are the most welcome guests in the bay. Cutting the waters of the Pacific Ocean with their black fins, they come here to the feast and invariably please the observers.

Brown bears are also frequent guests here. These animals often visit the shores of the bay, especially during the spawning period of salmon.
Russkaya Bay is famous for its reserves of unique fresh water, which speaks not only of its beauty but also of its benefit. A strategic reserve of clean, marked by special taste water can maintain its properties and freshness for months, being in ship tanks. According to some reports, a large number of silver ions in its composition explains this phenomenon.
The water source is located at an altitude of 600 meters above sea level. Water, originating in numerous underground springs, is collected in the bed of a small river, and through a small pipeline, passes into the tanks of ships, which, as far back as the 30s of the 20th century, came to refuel here before sailing.

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