Pauzhetka village
The Pauzhetka village is located in the area of Kuril Lake. It is famous for its power plant, which operates due to volcanic processes that heat water.
The southern part of the peninsula is mostly part of the South Kamchatka Federal Wildlife Refuge. The largest bear population is monitored here.
About KamchatkaThe Pauzhetka village is located in the area of Kuril Lake. It is famous for its power plant, which operates due to volcanic processes that heat water.
An unusual in its beauty and its geological origin outcrop of pumice rocks - Kutkhiny Baty - is located in the area of Kuril Lake
Kuril Lake is the largest spawning ground for seals in Eurasia. This attracts a huge number of bears from all over Kamchatka. A real bear feast!
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To book a tour or get advice about traveling to Kamchatka, write us through this form. Our manager Anastasia will reply to your request shortly.
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